Since writing a lot of CSS can truly be an overwhelming task to take on. It is highly advisable to learn Sass. Learning Sass can help to make life a whole lot easier for both web developers and designers. For beginners, you may find it a little difficult at first, but as time goes on, you will find that it gets easier and better.
However, you will start to wonder if and when there is a way that you don’t need to constantly have to repeat the CSS codes in your style sheet. The good news is this. There is one. This is all in thanks to this CSS pre-processor. It is now a very possible thing to write CSS code without having to be repetitive in doing them again and again.
What is also very great is this. It is formatted in a very nice way. You are able to both do wonderful computations and dynamic styling by taking advantage of all these pre-processing methods.
What is Sass?
Sass is a short term that stands for meaning Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets and it was designed/created by Hampton Catlin. Sass manipulates CSS by using a host of variables, mixins, inheritance, and also nesting rules. They are issued the extensions of .sass and .scss respectively.
What Sass does the best is this: It helps to make the process of writing CSS code easier. It also helps to speed up the workflow of both web developers and designers a whole lot quicker.
Learning Sass
If you take the time to learn Sass thoroughly, as well as, to fully explore it, it will give you lots of benefits. The Sass community is very passionate when it comes to helping others. Therefore, there is no shortage of any Sass tutorials out there.
Inside of this post, you will see a selection of useful resources and tutorials for learning Sass, which will be great for you to learn it from beginning to end.
Sass: the official site
The Sass Way
The Sass Way covers the latest news and topics on handcrafting CSS with Sass and Compass. We use an open publishing model and rely on contributions from the Sass community via their GitHub project.
Sass Guidelines
An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass. Sass Guidelines is a free project that Hugo Giraudel maintains in his spare time. Needless to say, it is quite a large amount of work to keep everything up-to-date, documented and relevant. Obviously, knowing that you liked this styleguide is already much appreciated!
Sass break
Sass break is a humble new blog for the Sass community. It’s currently maintained and curated by David Conner and Guil Hernandez.
Sass tutorials on Sitepoint
Sass News
Sass News is a weekly newsletter edited, curated and published by Stu Robson.
Sass Tutorials from LevelUp
Sass tutorials from Tuts+
Sass Reference
An attempt at making Sass more approachable by providing short yet insightful entries for all buzzwords.
Getting Started with Sass by ZURB
Sass is a superset of CSS that adds in amazing features such as variables, nested selectors and loops. It’s also the easiest way to customize Foundation! Learn the fastest and easiest way to get your Foundation 5 projects installed and updated.
Assembling Sass course
Learn Sass and start improving your front-end CSS workflow. Try Sass on large-scale applications for efficient, time-saving styling.
Getting Started with Sass (with interactive examples)
Have you always wanted to learn Sass, but never quite made your move? Are you a Sass user, but feel like you could use a brush up? Well then read on, because today we are going to review the features of Sass and some of the cool things you can do with it.
Sass for Beginners
Learning Sass with CodePen, Part One
The greatest challenge for most developers to learning Sass isn’t the concept of preprocessors, or the language itself, but the hoops that must be jumped through to get it up and running.
Those comfortable with the command line can get things going fairly easily, and tools like CodeKit help immensely, but that still leaves many designer-developers who might otherwise become Sass aficionados intimidated by change, wary of paying for a new tool, or simply overwhelmed at the prospect of changing their entire workflow.