Software Training Online
Presented by Dallas Web Designer Craig Smith

Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Become a Web Designer

Many people think of a web designer as someone who just creates web pages out of thin air. While that is technically true, there's more to being a web designer than putting up a Wordpress blog and choosing backgrounds. To be a web designer, you need to be familiar with various software programs and keep up on the latest developments in web design. Here you'll find out the areas of knowledge in which you'll need to be proficient as well as whether you need a diploma in order to design cool web pages.


You have probably seen advertisements touting do-it-yourself websites. These sites just ask the user to pick from a pre-selected palette of themes, fonts and backgrounds. Web designers create all of this by themselves with the help of software programs. They do this with a few programs issued by Adobe. The two you'll definitely need to know are Photoshop and Illustrator.

In addition to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, you should also have a deep knowledge of Adobe's Fireworks and Dreamweaver. These programs should give you the best leeway in producing the web pages that you ever imagined.

Programming Languages

While the artistic side of creating web pages is always fun and interesting, there's another side to creating a brand new web page. You'll have to intimately know several programming languages. For example, you've probably heard or even seen HTML sometime in the past few years. HTML is one of the more popular programming languages.

In addition to HTML, learning CSS, Javascript, Flash, PHP and jquery will open more professional doors for you and your business. You might be thinking "how will I learn all of these programming languages?" or "I just want to make cool web pages." The next section will describe your education options.

Should I Go to College?

Many people learn web design in a 2 or 4 year college program. There are benefits to pursuing higher education. You'll have the help and guidance from faculty who are also working professionals. You'll be among people who are interested in the same things as you.

There are many people who are excellent web designers who didn't go to college. If you have a passion for the field, are a quick learner and can work independently with no problem, you could learn all the fundamentals on your own. You'll just have to actively keep up on the latest developments in the field.

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